Reverse a Number :
Since every digit when divided by 10 gives the
remainder equal to the unit place
digit of that number and we need to set that unit place digit of number to the
last place digit of the number than again set the 100’s digit of that number to
the second last place of the given number and so on.
To get the remainder of a number, a modulus…
Technology that changes the way of our life.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Auto Complete Text View Tutorial in Android

Auto Complete Text View :
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In Auto
Complete Text View whenever we start writing a text in the Edit View than
it will automatically show the available
options related to that text as you stored in an array or in a database.
You can see the example shown in the following screenshot :
In this example, I am storing the available…
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Matrix Multiplication Program in Java

Matrix Multiplication Program :
To multiply two matrices we need to first check
whether the two matrices can be multiplied or not. For that compare the first
matrix column with the rows of second matrix, if they are equal than only the
two matrices can be multiplied with each other.
For example :
Let the first matrix be of the order 3X3 and second
Transfer data from one Activity to Another Activity in Android

Transfer data with Intents :
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We can easily transfer data from one activity to
another activity with the use of Intents
in Android Application. In this example I am sending the name (set in edit
text) from one activity and will use that name in another activity.
Create a new project in Eclipse : File => New => Android
Friday, 5 September 2014
Inheritance in Java

Inheritance is one of the cornerstones of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) which
means to inherit the properties of
one class and extends according to the need. The two keywords used in
inheritance are extends (for class) and
implements (for interface).
Inheritance allows the creation of hierarchical
classifications. In inheritance…
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Alert Dialog Tutorial in Android

Alert Dialog :
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Alert Dialog is used to display a pop up or dialog in the Activity. It is generally used to ask question from a
user with the help of popup dialog at certain event.
Creating an Alert Dialog is very easy in Android
with the use of AlertDialog class.
Create a new project in Eclipse : File => New =>…
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Concept of Encapsulation in Java

Concept of Encapsulation in Java :
Encapsulation is one of the Object Oriented
Programming fundamental means wrapping
(encapsulating) up of data or fields
in a single method, make each field private (access specifier) and give the
access of method to users (by making the method public) and in this way we can
save each field from outside world.
If we provide…