Saturday 30 August 2014

Difference between Overloading and Overriding in Java


In java it is possible to define two or more methods within the same class that share the same name as long as their parameter declaration (i.e. signature) are different which is called overloading.

Overloading is basically means that you use the same name of function with different signatures.

Java run time environment will check the parameters of a function at run time whenever that method is called by the object and bind according to the signatures.

To understand the concept consider the below program :

1:  class CircleArea  
2:  {  
3:       private double getArea(double radius)  
4:       {  
5:            double area = 3.145 * radius * radius;  
6:            System.out.println("Area is : "+area);  
7:            return area;  
8:       }  
11:       private float getArea(float radius)  
12:       {  
13:            float area = 3.145f * radius * radius;  
14:            System.out.println("Area is : "+area);  
15:            return area;  
16:       }  
18:       private int getArea(int radius)  
19:       {  
20:            int area = 3 * radius * radius;  
21:            System.out.println("Area is : "+area);  
22:            return area;  
23:       }  
25:       public static void main(String[] args)  
26:       {  
27:            CircleArea cir = new CircleArea();  
28:            cir.getArea(25.1452); //call the first method which is double type  
29:            cir.getArea(25.1452f); //call the second method which is float type  
30:            cir.getArea(25); //call the int type method  
31:       }  
32:  }  

Output :

In the above program same function getArea is implemented three times with different signatures like in first we passed double parameter, in second we passed float parameter and in last implementation we passed int parameter and return types of these methods are also different.

These functions are called by java run time environment only when we pass parameter according to the data type.


Extending the method of a parent class by adding more functionality to its child class method is known as overriding.

In method overriding the signature and name must be same. The new method which is again implemented in the child class is called overridden method.

Consider following example :

1:  class A  
2:  {  
3:       public int operation(int a, int b)  
4:       {  
5:            int c = a + b;  
6:            return c;  
7:       }  
8:  }  
10:  class B extends A  
11:  {  
12:       //same method as in A class but the implementation is different  
13:       public int operation(int a, int b)  
14:       {  
15:            int c = a - b;  
16:            return c;  
17:       }  
18:  }  

In the above example you can easily understand that the method in class B has same name and signature but the implementation is different than A class.

Note : 
You can only override methods in the child class not in the same class.

Now consider a diagram by which you can easily understand the difference between the two :

Therefore, it is clear that overloading is done by using same name with different signatures in the same class whereas overriding is done with the use of same name, signature and different implementation in the child class.


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